
I bought lunch at Essenzite, a mobile bread shop.Part 1

I was interested in Essenzite, a mobile bread seller that I sometimes see.

I happened to be passing by, so I bought some bread and ate it while having a picnic at a nearby park.

When the Essen van arrives, the familiar Harry Lime theme from The Third Man plays.

It’s the one that plays in Ebisu Beer’s commercials!

It seemed like they were touring various locations on schedule, and people gathered as soon as the sales cars arrived.

A wide variety of breads

There are many types!

It seems like they release new products regularly!

Spring/summer limited mugwort bean paste

There was also mugwort bean paste available only in spring and summer. Looks delicious!

We had a picnic at nearby Kiyosumi Park and decided to have lunch with Essen bread.

white burdock chicken bread

This is white burdock chicken.

Burdock goes surprisingly well with bread. It feels like a side dish bread that is perfect for lunch.

ham sandwich

This is a ham sandwich.

It seemed to have a little mustard in it, which gave it a nice accent and was delicious.

cheese povilia

This is a bread called Cheese Poviglia.

It’s topped with crunchy cheese, and there’s some cheese inside as well.

german frank

This is German Frank.

It’s not a Wiener bread, it’s shaped like a frankfurter stuck in a bread.

milky france

This is the most popular Milky France.

Milky France contains crunchy cream

It’s not too hard, but just the right amount of hard French bread, with a little bit of crunchy cream sandwiched between them.

It looks like it would be good to eat like a snack!

Bread from a convenience store is good, but homemade bread from a bakery is also good.

There may not be a bakery nearby, or there may be a line at a popular place.

I’m so happy to be able to move around and sell bread like this!

It’s easy to eat right in the park, and it seems refreshing!

Click here for Essenzite’s homepage.

It also includes information on the menus we sell and new products.


Location of Kiyosumi Park

Click here for the location of Kiyosumi Park

Related article

A few days later, I bought some Essenzeit bread again and had it for lunch.
Please also take a look at this article.

We deliver the charm of Koto Ward, including information on restaurants, events, and cafes in Koto Ward.
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