I received a bagel from GeNTLe BAGeL.

When I went to the pre-opening of T SUMUJI Monnaka

I brought home bagels from GeNTLe BAGeL.

GeNTLe BAGeL bagel

The bagel I received this time was

  • plane
  • Plain whole grain mix
  • Matcha
  • matcha white chocolate
  • cinnamon raisin
  • double cheese

is. There are many types!

Looks like you can enjoy it for breakfast or brunch!

I tried plain, cinnamon raisin and double cheese.

Plain has the flavor of the ingredients and is very delicious. I tried adding toppings like cream cheese myself and it was delicious.

Cinnamon raisin is a great combination of cinnamon and raisins inside.

The double cheese is rich and crunchy, making it very filling. It seems like it could be eaten just like rice.

Here is the article about when I went to TSUMUJI Monnaka’s pre-opening.

 GeNTLe BAGeL  is located on the second floor of TSUMUJI Monnaka in Monzennakacho.

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